Yard Management through Interactive Avatars

Your digital gatekeeper for a smooth loading process

Registering trucks for loading at companie premises can often be complicated and time-consuming. Truck drivers don’t always know where to go, there are communication problems due to language barriers, and gatekeepers are stretched thin. The challenge for industrial companies is not only to be able to communicate, but also to manage a high level of coordination with logistics.

Kundenservice-Automatisierungen mit Interaktivem Avatar Albert

Why use Interactive Avatars for the Yard Management?

Our interactive avatars can speak over 30 languages and communicate with truck drivers around the world. The digital service personnel effortlessly captures vital information such as driver details, truck licence plate numbers and contact details. They also provide clear explanations of terrain safety rules and present a clear terrain map. 

Icon Zeit

Time saving

with every registration

Icon Ressourcen



Icon Erhöhen

Time reduction

in the loading process

Time saving

with every registration



Time reduction

in the loading process

More than just automation:
Our Interactive Avatars are your key to efficiency.

Benefits for your company

  1. Reduced communication: Our system minimises the need for manual reconciliation, saving time and resources.
  2. Efficient notifications: By capturing the driver’s mobile number, you can notify them as soon as they are ready to drive to the warehouse to load or unload.
  3. Better documentation: If any required paperwork or goods are missing, you can notify the driver directly.
  4. Real-time updates: Your staff can update the status in real time, and notifiy the supplier of the update – wherever they are on the premises.

More benefits for your suppliers

  1. Local language service: Truck drivers are informed and guided through the process in their local language, increasing efficiency and reducing frustration.
  2. Easy navigation: Our Interactive Avatars also provide clear instructions on how to navigate the site, making it much easier to find your way around.
  3. Real-time updates: Truck drivers receive real-time notifications, including loading and unloading times and missing documents.
  4. Improved safety: Our digital service personnel not only explains the safety rules of the terrain, but also contributes to the safety of truck drivers by providing relevant information on danger zones or specific safety regulations.

Supportive at every point of your customer journey

Simple Implementation

Implementation made easy!Our browser-based solution gives you the freedom to use
your preferred hardware. No lengthy installation is required.

Get More Out of Your
Yard Management

Data Entry through Interactive Avatar

In local language

Interactive Avatars
for Data Entry

The truck driver and your staff no longer have to worry about overcoming language barriers when filling in the relevant forms. Our digital service personnel effortlessly collects all relevant information, such as driver details and truck registration numbers.

Always up to date

Real-time Updates of the Loading Process

Your staff can use our Plural.io platform to provide updates on the status of wait times, so the driver knows exactly when to go to the warehouse to load or unload.

Avatar on Smartphone
Avatar on Smartphone

Always up to date

Real-time Updates of the Loading Process

Your staff can use our Plural.io platform to provide updates on the status of wait times, so the driver knows exactly when to go to the warehouse to load or unload.

SMS Alerts Yard Management


SMS Alerts in
Local Language

We understand the importance of clear communication. Automatically send real-time updates via SMS notifications in the driver’s local language. So they know exactly when and where to go.


Safety Briefings
Made Easy

Use the Interactive Avatar to brief your suppliers on terrain safety rules, danger zones and special safety regulations.

Safety Briefings conducted by digital service personnel
Safety Briefings conducted by digital service personnel


Safety Briefings Made Easy

Use the Interactive Avatar to brief your suppliers on terrain safety rules, danger zones and special safety regulations.

Yard Management in over 30 languages


Multilingual in Over 30 Languages

Our digital service personnel is fluent in over 30 languages. Projects can be fully translated with just one click. Reach all your suppliers in their own language!


Interactive Avatars Tailored to You

Customise the digital service personnel to suit your company, your use cases and your needs. From the background to the appearance of the Interactive Avatar, there are almost no limits.

Interactive Avatars as digital service personnel
Interactive Avatars as digital service personnel


Interactive Avatars Tailored to You

Customise the digital service personnel to suit your company, your use cases and your needs. From the background to the appearance of the Interactive Avatar, there are almost no limits.

Want to know more?

Feel free to send us an Email or call us!


How does a project with us work?

You will have a dedicated contact person to assist you with any questions you may have.

Do I need additional hardware?

No, it can be accessed from any browser-enabled device. No lengthy installation is required. When a project is created, a link is generated that can be accessed in standard browsers.

Who is behind this solution?

Behind the Interactive Avatars is Humanizing Technologies GmbH – an innovative German software company with several locations in Germany and Austria.

Any further questions?
Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will answer all your questions!


Gruppe von Interaktiven Avataren


Get in touch with us!

Our team is here to answer all your questions.
Fill out the form, chat with us, send us an Email
or give us a call right now!