The University Lab
The Plural University Lab wants to give students and researchers of all disciplines the opportunity to quickly design experiments with various robots.
We will provide you with our Plural Software and a selection of different robots and avatars.
You will also get templates – e.g. for Human-Robot-Interaction experiments – which you can use as a starting point to create your own research use cases.
Avatar only
How does it work?
Our avatars are virtual robots that can be involved in social life. You can quickly and easily create dialog models and let avatars interact with each other and humans.
This makes it possible to carry out theories in the field of human communication with digital agents without hardware costs. And also to see to what extent certain problems can be worked on in mixed human-avatar teams.
What you get?
With the Avatar only option you get the possibility to let your researchers and students perform experiments on their own.
We provide teachers and students with templates to use avatars as tutors and learning assistants for all kinds of subjects ranging from STEAM to history, biology and politics.

Multi-robot: Stack your lab

How does it work?
With the multi-robot option, we combine the digital avatars with hardware robots.
For example, humanoid robots like Pepper and NAO can be connected to extend experiments into physical space.
This allows different types of robots to be tested against each other and to work together.
What you get?
We bring a portfolio of different robots and also offer the interaction robot Furhat, which can be used to observe and analyze problems of multimodal communication between humans and machines.