Highly efficient in a playful appearance

Especially in education and research NAO has become a standard. However, he is also used as an assistant by companies and healthcare facilities.


Share knowledge in a fun and efficient way

Trigger attention

Trigger attention

NAO is an attention trigger. Boost the interest of people for whatever NAO has to say.

Trigger attention

NAO is an attention trigger. Boost the interest of people for whatever NAO has to say.

Hero of the RoboCup

Hero of the RoboCup

Thanks to NAO's many joints and his mobility, he is the world champion in robot soccer!

Hero of the RoboCup

Hero of the RoboCup

Thanks to NAO's many joints and his mobility, he is the world champion in robot soccer!

Programming fun

Programming fun

NAO can also be a lot of fun for developers. The motion and interaction sequences are set up easily.

Programming fun

Programming fun

NAO can also be a lot of fun for developers. The motion and interaction sequences are set up easily.

Exercise therapy

Exercise therapy

Thanks to his many joints and its extreme mobility, NAO is ideally suited for movement therapy. He can demonstrate exercises, which are then imitated by users.

Exercise therapy

Exercise therapy

Thanks to his many joints and its extreme mobility, NAO is ideally suited for movement therapy. He can demonstrate exercises, which are then imitated by users.

A friendly team member that emotionalizes every interaction

As A learning coach

Most loved teacher assistant

Not only children learn more while having fun doing so. NAO can help teachers and educators to boost the fun factor while learning. He transfers knowledge in a playful manner.


Humanizing NAO as assistant
Humanizing NAO as senior companion

As Companion for seniors

Achieve emotional connections

When we get older we often also get lonelier. NAO can help cure this loneliness to some extent. He converses and entertains elderly. This way he builds an emotional connection to the person interacting.


As Companion for seniors

Achieve emotional connections

When we get older we often also get lonelier. NAO can help cure this loneliness to some extent. He converses and entertains elderly. This way he builds an emotional connection to the person interacting.


Humanizing NAO as senior companion

As A happiness Promoter

Create relaxing work atmosphere

NAO acts as a Happiness Promoter. His speaking and moving capabilities ensure outstanding interactions with your employees. And in a more relaxed and pleasant working atmosphere, employees work better.


Humanizing NAO as happiness promoter


Ready to create your own NAO use case?


Humanizing NAO friendly humanoid robot